A fan blog about Bradford Anderson and his character on General Hospital Damian Spinelli .
Saturday, March 31, 2007
SpinLu Buttercup Video
by mycatmeows
This is a GREAT video. The music works wonderful with the scene choices.
This weekend's Fun Poll
Here is the first poll
I would love to hear other suggestions of fun polls.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Vote for Spinelli
Vote: http://www.komotv.com/nwa/
"Because of You" Spinelli & Lulu
by shannonluvs
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The Jackal Struggles.....
My heart just went out to Spinelli today, mustering up the courage to tell Jason that, believe it or not, the Jackal may rule cyberspace but in reality...."he struggles." My daughter was watching with me (not a soap watcher herself and having never seen Spinelli before), and she yelled out "HE IS SO CUTE! AWWWW!!!!" My sentiments exactly. They could have had Jason giving a long lecture, but the answer was perfect - "listen." The chick magnet spoke, and the Jackal was grateful for the knowledge.
Between the hostage crisis episodes, the Bradford/Steve "dynamic duo" scenes, and the "Lulu and her Suitors" storyline, it has really brought it home to me how bored I had become with a soap I have watched for...well...a LOT of years but kept watching out of...loyalty? Habit? I realized that I have not eagerly anticipated watching GH for...well like I said, a LOT OF YEARS (don't ask me, I won't tell!) :) Now I can't wait to see it everyday. My fast forward button is still getting quite a workout, but if Bradford hits the screen with ANY cast member, I won't miss a second. I'm traveling this coming Monday and Tuesday and will miss the show, and I am already trying to con people into recording the episodes for me. I haven't felt the need to go that far in quite some time.
Bradford, I already told you....that daytime Emmy is coming! :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
"My Experiance Getting Touched By A Star"
Benefiting the Desi Geestman Foundation to help children and their families battling cancer, attendees were able to dine and mingle with some of day-time television’s top stars, from “General Hospital” and “One Life To Live”.
This being my first soap event, I hardly consider myself a die-hard soaper- I stand on the side-lines, not on my soapbox. But I will not lie- I went to the event with an agenda- meet Bradford Anderson! Since his debut on “General Hospital” as the quirky computer hacker Spinelli, aka ‘The Jackal‘, he’s quickly won the hearts and laughter of many viewers, mine included. So I was curious to see what Bradford was like in person.
From briefly meeting him and what I observed, I can sum the talented young actor up in one word- charismatic. I was really impressed, he was one of the first out on the dance floor and didn’t hesitate to dance with the fans, wowing us all with his ‘killer moves.’ You could tell he’s probably the life of the party wherever he goes.
One of the ladies at our table, knowing I was dying to meet him, pushed me into him in an attempt to be ‘helpful’. I was mortified and quickly apologized, but at the same time my inner fan girl was squealing. I am convinced that Bradford Anderson has super powers- why else would I, a typically intelligent person, suddenly turn into a stammering idiot?
When I did get the courage to ask for a picture with him, he was great about it, putting his arm around my shoulder. I’m proud of myself, I didn’t faint…I did, however, seem to lose the ability to say anything coherent beyond, “I love you, I really love you.” *sigh* But it gets better, folks!
Then thinking I should say something, I said, “I feel like your stalker, I’m sorry I keep catching you like this.”
It was an amazing evening I will never forget. All the stars seemed so down-to-earth to me, and gracious with each of their fans. If I had it to do over though, I would have attempted to let Bradford Anderson know what a wonderful job he’s doing on GH, and to thank him for becoming a bright spot on the soap. I would wish him all the best in his career and future- and maybe, just maybe- I would’ve gotten up the nerve to ask him to dance.
Did I mention he has killer moves?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Lulu's choice
She called Milo her 'boyfriend' to scare of scummy Logan. Spinelli also heard Lulu declare to her family that Spinelli was her boyfriend last week. Lulu just really had no clue what she wants. I was so upset for Spinelli when Lulu told him "boyfriend" was a figure of speech but he really bounced back quickly when he realized it was still a "maybe" and not a NO.
Ok so back to Lulu's choice.... Is there really a choice here? I just see one answer but i guess I am partial.
I was impressed that Spinelli, Milo and Dillon where working together to fight of the evil that is Logan.
Oh did anyone catch the cat fight between Lulu and Maxie. I was a little disappointed to see it broken up. I wanted to see how that one ended.
Monday, March 26, 2007
No Spinelli today
The rest of the show has turned into the attack of the pod people with 90% of the Port Charles population going completely against who at least I understand them to be.
I must say though that Nancy Lee Grahn really shinned again today. To get a bit off topic I must express how disappointed I was she was not nominated for an Emmy for Best Actress. Her playing "Alexis Davis cancer fighter" is so believable to me.