What a breathe of fresh air. Ellie is cute. These scenes weren't forced or unnatural. They were lovely. Its nice to see SPinelli manipulate someone (ha) to get what he wanted. I hope we see more of these two together. Looking forward to where it could lead.
If you enjoyed Spinelli & Ellie's scenes please let TPTB know.
Emily Wilson plays Ellie @_emilywilson
Ron Carlivati (head writer) @carlivatiron
Frank Valentini (Executive Producter) @valentinifrank
Write on GH facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/generalhospital
Call GH Comment line: 323-671-4583
Snail mail:Bradford Anderson/Frank Valentini/RonCarlivati/Emily Wilson
General Hospital
4151 Prospect Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90027
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