Fans of Bradford & Kiera's little girl, Juna are celebrating her BIG day. So in honor of HER first birthday we are helping others (in her name). Imagine not being able to have cake or ice cream on your birthday because it is 'posion' to your body. Imagine not being able to have your fave meal because it is 'posion' to your body. Not sure about other families but my Irish family many celebrations revolve around food (and drinks). What will the snacks be, what will the deserts be, what will be the main course. Well when you suffer from the horrible disease of any Eosinophilic Disorders, you don't get to enjoy in the act of eating. Though some kids can eat 'some foods' they aren't allergic to. What? No eating? How does one possibly surive with out eating? They can drink a special and very expensive formula that sounds like most insurance companies refuse to pay for. These kids are typical kids and do normal activities and appear to be healthy from the outside.