A fan blog about Bradford Anderson and his character on General Hospital Damian Spinelli .
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Birthday, Bradford!
Send him a note at his My Space..
Also, you can donate to the animal shelter. (Scroll down)
self destruction and serial killers
Jason and Spin continue to grow closer. You know, one of the reasons I quit watching for six years is because I couldn't STAND Jason. Now? I love him. All because of Spinny. They are truly a male supercouple.
Not sure what to think of newbie danger boy Johnny, yet. He seems pretty campy now, but he hasn't spoken yet. Looks like he and Lulu might be playing tag or hide and seek, while everyone thinks she's in danger. It wouldn't surprise me.
Self destruction.
I think that Lulu is not that far apart from Maxie. She's acting out and self destructing. Spin, Georgie (and apparently Coop) are the type who want to save people, and some people just don't want to be saved, no matter how hard you try. I guess Carly is a good example, as Jason has pointed out. They have to want to stop the self destructive behavior on their own.
I am not loving the way Spin throws himself in front of dangerous people when his loved ones are in peril. Don't try this at home--this is NOT safe behavior..
Jason's little buddy is going to get himself hurt someday, that's a given. I just feel that unless it's the end of BA's contract, Spin is too popular to die, so I am not fretting about good Emmy bait material for Steve, Brad and possibly Julie.
I'm really REALLY having a hard time with the Logan character. Recently Frons has said that Logan/Lulu are a "supercouple". So why is Logan continuously bullying women and people smaller than himself? **Shudders** Yes, Maxie was cruel to do what she did to Lulu, but Logan has no business shoving her around. He makes me think he might be the serial killer. :-/
That said, obviously, I'm a hypocrite because I am cheering on Nikolas for choking characters I don't like. (at least we know something is horribly wrong with him and it's not LIKE him)
On to NIGHT SHIFT and serial killers..
Last night's show was both heartbreaking and hilarious. To sum it up, Spin thought he was addicted to sex, and went first to poor Toussaint (Billy Dee had the look of bewilderment) and then Jason, who may have been slightly horrified. (I..I gotta get back to work!!!)
The first thing Jason thought of was that Kelly(who has sex with everyone and takes off her clothes in the middle of the hospital lobby) had put the moves on Spin. There is really no describing that scene where Spin gave TMI about his fantasies or the looks on Jason's face. Jason has yet to master talk of the "birds and the bees".
After she shattered his pitiful heart in tiny peices, what was Jolene crying about at the end when she looked at Spin? Call me crazed, but I wanted her to realize she loves him. It's sad, I want someone to love him back-- even if it's a serial killer.
But seriously? Jason loves Spin. (See Rene's post below)--> Georgie also loves him, or at least has potential too.
I admit, I am die hard Spinlu fan, but even if I wasn't, I would be a bit afraid to get attached to Georgie with Spin. Three month contract? What is that? It worries me about her character. I hope Spin is not one of those characters with the Cartwright syndrome. (when Hoss, Little Joe, Ben or Adam loved someone, they either suddenly died, left town, became evil, or the girl went off with some other guy)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Some Quick Rambling Thoughts....
SPINELLI SEARCHES FOR LULU: PLEASE oh PLEASE let TPTB play this out well. We could have some absolutely beautiful scenes between these two if only Goober...er uh..GUZA let's it happen. If this really is a rehash of Luke/Laura/Scotty, then we all know who Lulu will end up with the end. But I'm not buying it. Yes, they are playing it exactly the same way, but it's obvious Lulu has it BAD for Logan. So knowing TPTB like I've known them for 25+ years, Spin is out...but on THAT front...
SPINELLI AND GEORGIE: Okay, I am LOVING this. Poor Georgie. Does NO ONE see her for the gem she truly is? First Dillon, now Spinelli. Poor Spin. He doesn't know a good thing when he sees it. I'm leaning towards a wonderful friendship with Lulu and a relationship with Georgie. They are uber cute together. Sadly, it will probably be Spin's dawning realization of the awesomeness that is Georgie that will get Lulu off her butt to figuring out who should have been her true love. Let's hope it hurts her as much as it's hurt Spin.
And I just have to add....
LUCKY: Gag, hack, barf...please have him shot in the line of duty and put into a coma for a decade or so. Never has such a gullible, whiney, worthless character existed on screen. We need "original Lucky" back. But alas...
SAM THE SLUT: Maybe a bad romp in the hot tub with Lucky can put BOTH of them in a coma. I used to love the Sam character, but she stinks on ice right now.
KATE - BUT WHERE'S DIANE?: I love Kate. Nothing about her bothers me. My only hope is that they put her in more scenes with Diane. Where IS Diane!? She could get Kate out of this mess and bring a ray of sunshine into my life while doing it.
TREVOR LANSING: If he said "alcohol blood level" one more time, I was going to throw my Diet Pepsi at the TV. My alcohol doesn't HAVE a blood level - does his?
That is all.
September 19 campy fun.
Lulu=Laura--Bratty and self-absorbed, runs away when things go wrong. Hates her life, thinks her home is a prison. In today's show, (during the frantic search)Lesley even said Lulu reminded her of Laura.
Logan=Scottie--Screw up who often says and does the wrong thing. Bobbie connived and had sex with Scottie, Laura found out and was broken hearted. It's being relived. Interesting that Logan's father is Scott Baldwin, too.
Spin=Luke--Suffering from severe unrequited love but pretending to be a BFF. Good dancer (if incorperated) mob ties, has vivid fantasies about blonde one, bad hair, makes up nicknames, has strange friends and likes to wear disguises sometime...
Maxie=Bobbie--Conniving, self-destructive, hates/jealous of the blonde one. Claims her life was far worse, but (of course) she doesn't whine like blonde one does.
Like I said, whacked out version..
Remarkably, there was lots of cast integration, today. Loved the scenes with Logan/Scott, the Quartermaines, Maxie/Georgie and Jason/Spin. (You are the Jackal!!) Spin is rubbing off on Jason, which amuses me. Still don't know how he finds people on the internet in 10 minutes, but we won't think about that.
The chase to the car when Lulu runs from newly introduced Johnny Zacharra and locks the door (He has a canvas top) was campy fun. The evil guy's introduction was interesting. We'll see if it goes down hill from here.
Its not to late....
I just donated by PayPal a few minutes ago myself. (if you donate online email the shelter that it is part of the Bradford birthday gift. (link)
link to information on how to donate here.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Logan is a screw up!. He has got nothing on the Jackal.
The best thing about today was Jason & Spinelli.
Jason found Spinelli mixing vodka and orange soda to ease his pain (someone needs to tell him you don't mix your beverage of choice with vodka. not a good idea..)
Jason and Spinelli has another wonderful heart felt discusion. Spinelli forces me to like Jason (be it kicking and screaming all the way). Jason is warmer then he was a year ago and it not just because of Jake. Spinelli has a great deal to do with Stone Cold's thawing.
Spinelli shows Jason his 'moves'
Then like a gift from the cyber-gods Logan walks in fresh from Lulu getting her heart broke. (gleeful laugh)
More gleeful laughing ....
ok I like Georgie. I refuse to get my heart broke though so I can't jump on the G-Spin train just yet. The Spinlu train has gotten pretty roomy and I am a pretty sorry romantic. Georgie really is agreat friend to Spin that in its self is true.
Love tears and other things..
So, who truly loves Lulu?
Logan, the guy who is crying because he got found out and lost her?
Or Spinelli? He's the guy who might even have a chance with her now that Logan is out of the picture, but cries because he doesn't want to see her heart shattered again..
This is why I root for Spinelli and Lulu.
Also, I love the brotherly love between Spin and Jason. Steve Burton is right. This is the best thing that could happen to him. It humanizes the character. Patting Spin on the back and saying "Logan has nothing on the Jackyl" or "Don't drink that, (Vodka and orange soda) your going to be sick" (But you know he'd take care of him) Not to mention, Spin is gradually changing, too. No longer the lost puppy begging for attention, Spin is completely at ease with Jason. He tells him he's busy, Jason steals his potato chips/soda as a comeback.
{{{Hugs my male supercouple}}}}
I still have my mind open for Georgie, just having a hard time wrapping my head around her wanting to risk her heart on another guy who is hung up on Lulu. (Listening to a guy go on and on about loving a girl who stole her husband seems like a bit much.) Also, Spin is an acquired taste. Jason and Lulu's love has grown gradually. The Jackyl struggles outside of cyberspace for good reason.
I guess I'm saying that I just wish they had more time and it didn't seem so rushed.
I'm sure most have heard that Lindze has signed a three month extension to her contract.. Take from that whatever you will..
Monday, September 17, 2007
Five days with the cast and crew of Carts! But alas, no Bradford...
Here's a pic of us on opening night (top left: me, my husband, Anthony, Angelina Spicer, who plays "Angie" in carts, Brendan Brandt, who plays "Brad" - and who is great friends with Bradford - and seated is Chris Cashman and his wife Lisa)
So while we're sitting there enjoying the festivities (and the free-flowing Tommy Bahama rum drinks - yummy! LOL!), Brendan's cell phone rings - AND IT'S BRADFORD! He wants to know how it is, is everyone having fun, blah, blah. I wanted to yell out 'HI BRADFORD' but decided against it. :) SO when he hangs up, the word is he feels pretty confident he will be at the world premiere the next day, Thursday, PROVIDED GH doesn't shoot late again. He was feeling good they'd be finished in time.
So Thursday comes, and I'm SO EXCITED we might finally get to meet Bradford. Chris and I enlist my daughter and her friend, Nick, to decorate a shopping cart with "Carts" stuff, including head shots that Chris provided (yes, one of Bradford) and push it around to pass out postcards and promote the film screening that night. He even gave them the carts vests to wear from the film AND gave my daughter Bradford's tag from the movie! (it says "Ed" of course!) BUT, she wore another one that said "Cindy" while she worked. LOL! Here's a pic:
So 6:00 gets closer, and NO BRADFORD. Finally, Chris gets a text message that, alas, GH filming is STILL going on at 4:00, and he'd NEVER get there in time. BOOOOOOO!!!!! I was so bummed, you have NO idea. That's because this was the last shot - last chance. Even though the film was showing again on Friday night at the Valley Film Festival in L.A. and AGAIN on Saturday night in Temecula, Bradford was flying out Friday to Boston for his fan event. WAHHHHHHHH!!! Sigh and double sigh.
BUT the screening went REALLY well, lots of people and laughs. Along with Angelina Spicer that night, Albert Stroth also came, who plays womanizer "Steve." REALLY nice guy. Angelina is a lovely person and so pretty!! You'll be seeing lots of her in the near future. And Brendan Brandt. Well, what can I say? SUCH a cutie pie and so sweet!! If I couldn't meet Bradford, Brendan was a great second choice.
So SUNDAY, we were all supposed to sit together at the big black tie award's gala at Pechanga Resort and Casino. REALLY fancy dinner, champagne, wine and awards going to Smokey Robinson, Michael Madsen and Robert Rosen (head of UCLA film school) which was given by JOHN LANDIS! So needless to say, we were all excited. But I get a call at 4:00 p.m. Sunday that
So of COURSE, Chris and Lisa want to go BACK up to L.A. to accept their award. BUT Brendan and his friends stayed, so we sat with them at the gala, which was fun.
Me and Brendan.
Okay, okay, I know, NOT Carts or Bradford related but come on..
So the night ended with a great time had by all. I told Brendan that he MUST tell Bradford hello and tell him that I am not a creepy stalker person. LOL! I told him myself, my hubby and daughter all think he is EXTREMELY talented and wish the best for him. Let's hope now that I know a few of Bradford's friends, even though I have never met him, that perhaps one day I will!
On Cloud Nine after a Night of Hollywood Glamor!