Stunning, every single day brought a tear to my eye, something this show hasn't done in years, except for the occasional emotion filled montage. Kudos to the wonderful performers this week and the excellent writing and directing that went on to make what could have been a completely unimportant week in the show absolutely outstanding.
This wasn't a sweeps story or anything, but the attention to bringing the viewers a delightful set of scenes still deserves acclaim. If every week and every character's story was handled with as much care and love we all might start feeling that truly breathtaking sense of enjoyment and adoration for the soap opera genre once again.
If you appreciated this week as much as I did, I hope you let those in charge know. Call and write, sending your own kudos to the kids who deserve a solid round of applause. I felt heart and soul this week. Who needs dramatic stunts and high profile plot twists when you have enough emotion in one perfectly constructed dialog to drive the emotions home? This was soaps at its best, just characters expressing their souls and addressing conflicts in ways that are believable, and I adore the fact that my fave Spinelli was involved in them.