I love Christmas.
Today's episode of GH was amazing. Not just because it was a Christmas episode or that Spinelli had an important part in it. More then that it remembered what make soaps so great.
Soaps are great because of the family, the history, the drama and the story. That is what makes Christmas great too. Thank you for a GH for helping me remember what it used to be like.
So Santa (yes really SANTA) sends Spinelli (with Maxie's help) to spread holiday cheer through Port Charles.
First stop was the Spencer family. Spinelli gave Lulu an old key. opens the case to Laura's angel.
Then we visit the Scorpio Family. Spinelli gives a small bag of very special cookies. They taste just like Robin's grandma Filomena.
Then Spinelli visits the Quatermaine's and leaves behind a pair of glasses. Monica is able to see Alan. It was wonderful. Why must Alan be dead in the first place. It was sweet and it felt like home.
Then Spinelli visits with both, Max, Diane and Bernie. He helps Max and Diane come together for Christmas (they where fighting) and gives Bernie something to light the menorah candles.
Spinelli then gets him Christmas wish.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays. My recaps is not doing this episode justice. If you love GH (and it's rich history) you have to love this episode. YES its corny but its also beautiful.
p.s. Spinelli and Maxie sang.
most of the recaps are from..http://public.fotki.com/spixiegirl27/spixie-the-love-story/the-spixie-love-sto/