Er, hello.
I have been chosen to be the co-blogger of this wonderful account of Bradford Anderson. I first learned about Bradford through General Hospital, as the lovable druggie, Spinelli. It was love at first sight *sigh*
Now, you may be asking yourself, "why Spinelli? Why did he get you back into a show that you haven't watched in almost a year?"
Well, you probably wouldn't, since I never said anything about watching General Hospital. But I'll tell you why Spinelli. Spinelli is real. As an almost-out-of-high-school students, I can tell you that most of the people I know are a lot like him. They don't all do drugs, they aren't all geniuses.
We do all make sly pop culture references.
Also, there's the fact that Spinelli is just so multi-layered and is adorable with Lulu, but that's for another post.
So, anyway, that's my intro.
<3 J. Mc
Great first post! :)
I didn't find it awkward at all.
Hey, I love your first post. I also love that video WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG!!
I posted it at my Spinelli LJ community. (I hope it's okay--I gave you credit.)
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