I could not help but laugh at this moment
He brave he was too. He tried to help. He could have hid in the back room. No Damian was brave. How did Mr Craig see him? (I really have a hard time calling him Jerry) {ok on after three viewings i see that he saw Sam turn to look at Spinelli}
Best momment was what he said about Amelia
"Well.."The Driven One' no doubt wishes she produced a show about remolding kitchens."Made me giggle the whole rest of the show
Oh here is another camera phone moment.
Please were did you get these great GH pictures from? Please can you give us the link to the site you got them from? Thank you so very much. I greatly appreciate it.
the ones today? I took them with my camera phone.. no joke.
You mean you took them off of the TV with your camera phone? How did you do it without getting the from of the TV in the picture? Your phone takes very, very good pictures off of the TV.
for some reason my camera phone takes better pictures off the tv then my 7MP camera. tired. LOL
Penny, it's hilarious, though. Spinelli's head is HUGE in that picture with the sandwich. Too cute! LOL!
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