a few months ago Bradford filmed a Dunkin Donuts commercial for its new Sobe drink. I am a big fan of Dunkin Donuts(I confess I am addicted to Blueberry Ice Coffee I have a problem)
You can find one version of the commercial here: Dunkin Donuts site (click on the 10k thing then tv commercial)
The second version is here http://www.hhcc.com/?p=417 You see more Bradford in this commercial.
I don't think it is much a stretch to think that this ad campaign is geared toward boy/young men. LOL I didn't get it. (I don't think us 'girls' are suppose to) Strangely my son saw an sign for this new drink and BEGGED for me to get it for him. I refused. It has to be a male thing.
Wow, weird, but cute! Nice to see Bradford's "non-Spinelli" work.
see I don't think we are suppose to get it LOL. I watched it a few times and just don't get it. LOL Now if they where selling blueberry ice coffee I would be sold.
I saw the commercial during Malcolm in the Middle reruns and posted about it on The Canvas. (www.thecanvas.tv - it's a Jason/Liz site and we all adore BA/Spinelli!) I didn't get the commercial either. :-P I assume boys like breaking things and having cars sawed in half. My little brother watched it with me and confessed he kind of wanted one of those SoBe drinks. he also liked the fact that it was bright green. Go fig, right?
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