Voting has started
The July Challenge has begun
The July Challenge has begun
Submissions accepted till July 22th at 8am Eastern.
Theme: "Why Spinelli is a viable love interest" or "Spinelli the reason I watch GH" (there is no prize for a certain them only categories)
Categories: There is two categories. Each with its own prize. (the signed pictures of Bradford)
Video will need to allow embedding but can be on any video sharing website.
Written Word
This can be an Essay or Fan Fiction. Fan art can be submitted with entry and it can be the primary focus but it needs to include words with it.
To submit send an email to with
- your name (can be screen name)
- a personal blurb
- your theme is for this submission.
- you submission (link to video or content of written entry with any pictures or fan art )
Fine Print- Winner of poll wins.
- If you win I will need an mailing address to send your picture.
- Since I can't have a tie I will only vote if there is a tie.
- I reserve the right to reject any entry for vulgar and or inappropriate content. (please content me if you think you may be in a gray for this before you put a ton of work into something and force me to have to reject it)
- Multiple entries by same person is allowed. No more two per a person in each category though. (you can replace on request a previous entry with a new one)
- If your entry is not on the master list then it is not part of the challange.
- email me if you have any questions or need certification on anything.
- I reserve the right to extend the submission time and alter the rest of the 'rules' if it makes more sense to do so.
What do you mean by personal blurb ??
Like a small smile one or two line bio.. (only sharing the details you want to share about yourself.)
I was wondering, if I submitted a fanfic, does it have to be complete or is it acceptable as long as the parts that are complete fulfill the theme?
It would fall under the written work section and you can write what ever you want so it can be as complete as you want it.
word not work LOL
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