Yeah.. Spinelli was on today!!!
Today Spinelli got tangled again with our friend neighborhood crime boss Sonny.He pretty must implied that he would get 'rid' of Spinelli if he stepped out of line again. Thankfully before Sonny smashed Spinelli's baby Kate saved the day. Thank you Kate.
Then we where treated to something very special. Spinelli visited Jason by pretending he was one of Jason's lawyers.
Spinelli: Jackal and Stone Attorneys at Law.
Jason: Jackal and Stone??
Spinelli: Would you prefer Stone & Jackal?
I was so happy to see Spinelli today. He was so cute! He told Jason he was afraid that Sonny wanted to erase him from his Mainframe.(LOL) I love my computer geek.(^_^) spinluv
Ok, I think Spin's squeal when Kate walked into Sonny's office was the best moment of GH in the last like 2
i love my spinelli he looks soo cute in his (jason's) suit
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