A few "Spinsights" for the 10/31 episode.
First, let me say that I know there are those who probably loved it, but I did NOT appreciate the SpinLu "dance" scene yesterday.
I'm over SpinLu...O-V-E-R
It's been coming for me for awhile, and Wednesday's episode just clinched it for me. While this episode DID launch what is shaping up to be a PHENOMENAL November sweeps storyline, (Spikey is right, NO ONE does Sweeps like GH), couldn't the writers have given us some closure on SpinLu? It's obvious that they've been trying to kill it for us for quite some time, and while they've been quite successful, it would have been nice if they could have thrown us a bone and let SpinLu have a beautiful dance scene at Wyndemere. Let Spinelli walk away with some dignity and leave Lulu wondering if she had made a terrible mistake. We didn't need hope for a future - just something to cleanse the palate after a summer of Spin abuse and Logag in our faces. Guza couldn't be that generous. Instead, we get one of the most spastic Spinelli days of all time, starting with his complete nerfbag freak out on the dock and ending with his nerd-er-ific dance with Lulu, who acted like she was doing charity work for the mentally handicapped. She did it because she felt she HAD to, not because she wanted to. It was painful, knowing Spin still loves her so much. She doesn't even act like she's interested in his friendship anymore. She uses it to her advantage when she wants something - "if you don't do this, tell me that, I'm moving out!" At least Jason called her on her BS the last time she tried that.
Speaking of the dock-side freak out - what is going on with Jason these days? He is really earning his "stone cold" title. I realize a lot is going on in the ever-yawn-worthy mob world, but Jason usually has more patience for his wingman and a willingness to try to talk Spin down. Lately, he seems to find Spin nothing more than an annoyance and someone to turn to when he needs computer help or camera surveillance. I'm in dire need of a warm JaSpin moment. I hope I'm going to get it for sweeps!
The only positive note for Spin in this episode was Nadine. She seems to actually appreciate Spinelli's positives, and I LOVED that she called him "The Most Dashing One" in such a genuine way, without a hint of sarcasm or a feeling that she was making fun of him. It's obvious she has no romantic interest in Spin, and vice versa, but it's nice to know Spin may be making a new friend who won't judge or chastize him for his uniqueness. YAY, NADINE!
Poor Georgie - I'm actually surprised Spin didn't think of asking her to the ball, but I guess we're going to be forced to wait this one out, if we get it at all. I'm definitely in the G-Spin camp. They would be so cute together, and how refreshing would it be for Spinelli to be in a healthy relationship with someone who truly cares for him and accepts - and LOVES - all his qualities. PLEASE don't let Georgie be one of the "casualties" of sweeps!
Maybe this big sweeps event will force change for Spinelli. If he's at Wyndemere, I'm assuming they have plans for him during this storyline. Let's hope it's to save Nadine or Georgie - or both! To really be forced to "man up" and learn that he can do it better than he ever thought he could. Let's let Johnny save Lulu.
Side note - I'm actually rooting for JohnLu (I don't know if they even have an official title yet). I REALLY like the Johnny character. Great actor playing him, he's NOT hard to look at and he and Lulu have great on-screen chemistry (something she SORELY lacks with Logan - ack).
**Edited to correct my previous errors :)
Oops, I deleted my first comment because I wanted to add.
I don't know how Penny feels, she hasn't weighed in. That was me (Spikey)
My problem with Georgie is that I don't want to relive GQ. They've already done that storyline.
Re: Spin's panic attack. The way I took all that -- he feels like Jason is what has gained him acceptance. Jason is trying to boost his confidence (and often does) and he refused to coddle him. I had no problem with that. Jason has been good for Spin.
I thought he looked very dashing and I don't want my Spin to act like everyone else. That's boring.
I thought we did get a beautiful dance scene at Wyndemere.
I do agree that I prefer Johnny to Logan.
I really like Nadine, and I see chemistry between them as I've noticed alot of people around the net. Keeping my fingers crossed for them.
I have to agree with Rene re the dance scene. I thought it was awkward and I thought Lulu looked as though she were patronizing Spinelli. The freakout scene on the dock had me cringing. Whoa.
At this point, I really can't figure what the plan is for Spinelli. Maybe they should Bradford-ize him a bit, if you know what I mean. A bit of normality definitely couldn't hurt at this point. For me, there are days when he's just too out there and he's wandered too far from the early days, which seem to have ended soon after the Metro Court. There were still spurts of it during early summer, but since Lugan, Spin's just been getting stranger and stranger, imo. Love Bradford...but Spin's gotta evolve some or I'm just going to drift. It's getting too painful to watch, too often.
I do like Johnny and couldn't care less if Logan just goes away.
Saw dance scene today.. (slowly catching up.. DH is employed)
dance scene was blah to me.. it was pretty to watch. Bradford looked great but it is ovious that Lulu does not care for Spin at all.. so it was flat to me. i don't know.. I would like to see Lulu give more to Spin.
I think the fact that Julie/Lulu seemed so different during the SpinLu dance means one thing -- it is THE thing. Her stuff lately has been so boring, but when she's with Brad/Spin she is DIFFERENT, and I love it.
I also love how Nadine is so genuine with Spin. I'm loving her more and more.
Georgie is a lost cause. If TPTB are trying to save her by testing her with Spin, she's failing in my opinion. Today was a perfect example -- Georgie had a chance to pull Spin back from getting distracted by Lulu but instead she gave up. If she really wanted to be with him, she would have kept dancing with him and forced him to stay connected.
My guess is Georgie really just has a shallow crush and perhaps it has more to do with proving something Lulu rather than being with Spin...just a thought.
Oops! Sorry to Penny and Spikey - I didn't read who wrote that comment - for some reason, I saw Penny. Penny, I KNEW you and I were on the save wavelength! LOL!
Sorry - in my opinion, the dance scene = PAINFUL. Worst SpinLu moment in a long time. Ugh.
Laurelin, I haven't watched today's episode yet (getting ready to), so I may be adjusting my thoughts on the G-Spin situation from what you're saying. Georgie definitely needs to grow some kahonies. Apparently, the Maxie got the entire aggressive ho-bag gene, and Georgie is left with nothing. I'm getting a sinking feeling she's going to be getting...a sinking feeling right into the PC Harbor, before this sweeps story is over...ugh
Robin, your feelings are EXACTLY mine. Spin didn't act this spastic when he was first on the show. At least then, he had some arrogance about him. Now he just seems ridiculous. YES! A little Bradfordizing is just the ticket.
Spin had deeper, more meaningful scenes BEFORE they put him on contract. Why, now that they have him for awhile, do they insist on reversing his maturity? I don't get it. Maybe there's a point here, but so far, I don't get it.
Stands likethis with Laurelin.
For me, I thought both Bradford and Julie did an amazing job. It was the most beautiful shot scene of the whole ball (with the exception of possibly Lucky/Liz) Spin looking up at her on the stairs, and the way he said "I just want to see you smile".
The breakdowns had Lulu being "touched" by his confession he thought he made to Nadine, and sharing a dance with him. Did the actors/writers fail? I don't think so.. I think what has happened is that Spinlu fans have been kicked down repeatedly over this past summer, and I've been griping along with the rest... For some, this was too little, too late. For me, this was a bit of a bandaid. Sure, at first when Spin caught up to her, she thought he was going to lecture her about Logan, as her daddy, Carly and everyone else had. But..
I still think there must be a reason why Spinelli can't get over her and goes for women who resemble her. :)
Rene, it's good to know there's someone else who shares my strong feelings on this. I felt badly after I posted my thoughts, but I've just got to be honest about it and ignore the urge to be in denial about what's going on with Spinelli. Don't get me wrong, there are good moments sprinkled in there...but generally I feel he is due for a BIG change, sooner rather than later. I'm not saying take away his individuality at all...just tone him down, bring him a tad more into line with his peer group on the show (so that everyone except J doesn't see him as a freak), and strip the Spin speak to a large degree - maybe 70-80% normal speak and then Spin speak for better effect in certain situations.
Spinelli is all about his unique world view. He's not about talking incomprehensibly and being out of control emotionally. His world view can be delivered through normal speech if the writers can handle the distinction.
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