Do as many or as few of these ideas that you want to. The idea is to do something you many now have before or to do more. Don't put your self in a financial crisis or do something your not comfortable with.
1. Join the Campaign. Its a simple way of expressing your commitment.2. Get the word out. Tell your friends. Post on boards. Get as many people to join as possible. Use graphics to get pictures attention. Ether make your own and then link to this site or use ours.
3. Call the comment line. Tell them how much you enjoy Spinelli. Promote your favorite Spinelli pairing. What ever you choose. Just make it positive. I personally plan to call every day Spinelli is on our screen during the campaign period. (31 January - 27 February) . This is an easy option if you have free nights on your phone plan.
GH Comment Line
ABC Comment Line (press 2, then 4, then 464 to get to GH)
ABC Daytime Feedback (ask for the viewer comment line)
ABC Switchboard
4. Write Jill Phelps Executive Producer of GH.
Tell her how your feel but be positive.
Jill Phelps
General Hospital
c/o ABC-TV
4151 Prospect Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90027
5. Write Bradford
Letters to actors are logged and the numbers are an indicator of popularity. A great idea with this is to send a valentines card.
Bradford Anderson
General Hospital
c/o ABC-TV
4151 Prospect Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90027
6. Post on internet bulletin boards. If you are already a regular poster a new topical Spinelli thread a day. Make the posts positive. Respond to negative posts with a positive response. Use Spinelli as your 'avatar' Use Spinelli graphics (including campaign graphics) as your signature.
7. Buy the Love Affair CD. Better yet if its an option buy the single digital track of Bradford's song. (will know tomorrow if this is an option) There is no better way to show our support by using our wallets.
8. Donate as part of the Bradford & Kirsten Valentine's Day gift project to benefit the Manchester Animal Shelter.
9. Vote for Spinelli in polls. Any positive feedback is important. Seek poll out and respond to polls. Click the GH the Soap graphic on the right side bar different times per day. Its counted as a vote for Spinelli, Bradford and this site. Do the same for other Bradford/Spinelli themed sites.
10. Make a goal related to the campaign and stick to it. Its only a short period of time to keep up. Post your personal goals as a response to this post to help others make their own goals.
11. Make Spinelli Videos. Post them on Youtube and other video sharing websites so that the whole world can see it.
12. write reviews for Bradford related products. I have already wrote a Bradford related review for the NS dvd and I plan to write one for the Love Affair CD. You can write reviews on Amazon and other internet stores.
My Goals.
Call comment line at least every day that Spinelli is on.
Write a letter to Jill Phelps.
Write a letter to Bradford
Start a Spinelli thread on Soap Central each day Spinelli is not on.
Buy Love Affair CD (and if possible also buy the single digital version of the song)
Donate to the Valentines Gift.
Add graphics to my signature.
Promote campaign
let the boards I frequent in on it.
Write (i hate snail mail writing, so that's going to be tough)
Call... No problem. Good idea about using the free nights stuff.
I think I can do anything that doesn't involve money, because we are supporting two families right now. I also want to step up and say that others shouldn't feel badly because they are having a hard time financially. The economy isn't in a great place right now but sending a few letters or posting on messageboards doesn't cost anything or less than a dollar.
I got the CD for my birthday. A birdie told me that I might get NS for vidding purposes.
I can definitely vid Bradford and show the chemistry he has with various co-stars. Not hard.
oooh I forgot videos.. I will add that one. LOL.. Yeah I am pretty bad about snail mail writing. Its going hard for me but I guess thats the point. I have a ton of stamps for my unsent out christmas cards ooops. LOL
Oh just had another idea.
There is NO reason to spend money to make this campaign to work.
I call the comment lines at least once a day.
I sent out the conversational hearts (campaign) today
I have a valentine's day card in the mail for Bradford today
I email daily
I plan and getting the Love Affair cd tomorrow
I donated to the V-day gift
I will post more at and Soap Central
I have Spinelli/Maxie postcards going in the mail today
Currently working on a Maxie/Spinelli video
Oh, the valentines cards--good idea, Jenna.
I know the valentine card idea is great..
Could someone make Hugs for Spinelli postcards to go along with this?
Shelley from Manchester Animal Shelter has agreed to keep our donations seperate and keep a total amount for Bradford & Kirsten Valentine's Day gift seperate). Donations can be made individually vie phone, online and or by mail. She will keep track of all this for us.
Go to Donations, then click online donations
After sending a paypal donation please email with your name and also in the subject line put "Spinelli & Maxie" (She can get amounts, addresses off of the paypal.
Snail Mail Checks or money orders
The Manchester Animal Shelter
490 Dunbarton Road
Manchester, NH 03102
Master Card and Visa donations can also be done over the phone
Our hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Any amount you are able to donate is really appreciated, every single dollar matters.
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