As promised yesterday here is my letter to Jill Phelps. I will write a similar letter to Guza and Frons.
click to view.
Dear Ms Phelps
I am writing you in you capacity as executive producer on the daytime program General Hospital. I started watching as a child and stopped in the mid 90s and started up again May of 2006 with the ‘return’ of Anna. ######(demographic data)
In November of 2006 a new character was introduced. Damian Spinelli. I hated him at first. He seemed like a waste of airtime. Was very stereotypical cardboard cut out of a ‘computer hacker’ These opinions changed shortly before February sweeps in that scene where Sam yells at Spinelli because she just found out she can’t have any children.
I was blown away by Bradford Anderson’s acting and I was an instant fan. He IS the reason I watch General Hospital.
I have an issue though as a diehard Bradford Anderson/ Spinelli fan. Spinelli never really gets his own storyline. He seems to piggie back others. We get this great relationship between Lulu and Spinelli and she walks all over him and ends up with a wannabe wife abuser Logan. She then only wants Spinelli when she wants to use him. The same can be said about the great relationship between Jason and Spinelli. Spinelli at times seems more like he is idolizing him instead of as an equal in this ‘friendship’ I really love the Jason and Spinelli scenes I really do but at times it seems like a very one sided relationship.
Then lets move on to the dark period. Fall of 2007. The viewers where teased with the idea of a Georgie Spinelli pairing but no wait Georgie need to die. I can’t get into anymore of this because it makes me cry.
There has been sunshine though. The last few weeks of scenes between Spinelli and Maxie have been MAGIC. I can’t express how enjoyable these have been for me. The banter back and forth have been just amazing. Bradford’s and Kirsten’s talents really show through. I love it. Please keep my Spin going this direction. There have been many a time I thought about stopping watching but Spinelli always has me wanting more.
Click Here to Join the Hugs for Spinelli Campaign.
Great letter!!
I am not a very good letter writer and while my letter sucked I know have to send them since i posted it :) LOL
Awesome letter!
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