Its gotta be true if the Jackal said it. After months of senseless, senseless and even more senseless deaths the TMK AKA fakeDiego is dead. Really dead this time.
We find out duo still stuck in the sewer. Spinelli gets Maxie out of the gate by using his great powerful arms and takes a bar right off the gate so she can get down. ahhh
They climb up and they find them in the warehouse where the episode before we saw that Nik Nadine and fakeDiego 'interacted'.
Spinelli figures out that the items belong to Nadine. Funny thing we learn that she 'smells' like her sister Jolene. Spin smelling things gets out of line when he smells a cloth with chloroform on it.
While not knocked out he was pretty useless and could barely walk. When they go up the catwalk Spinelli passes out and Maxie comes face to face with her attacker, her sister and boyfriend's murder. The TMK fakeDiego himself. He attacks Maxie and she put up a great fight. Go Maxie poke him again. Poor Spinelli can barely move with being drugged. She runs away as Nik comes after fakeDiego and she starts the fall and our hero Spinelli saves her from falling.
WHAT!? Nikolas, Maxie, and SPINELLI apprehended the TMK while Saint Jason was laid up in a hospital bed!? Hell must have frozen over... ;)
Glad this TMK thing is over. I hope there will be no more deaths for awhile.I take that backat least no the good ones, maybe Trevor, Ian, or Jerry.
Bwahaha and WE'RE FINALLY DONE with this evil storyline.
I love that you call him fakeDiego...
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