I have penned my newest letter to Guza and I thought I would share it with you. Some of you might wonder what exactly you should say or do in a fan letter, so I hope you can take something away from my example. As a Spixie fan, my letter focuses around them. I think it is important that Spixie fans start telling Guza exactly what they want---a romance. Let there not be any room for misunderstanding. I don't just want them as wacky hijinks friends, I want them as a couple.
I think we are a very intelligent fanbase (have to know a lot of stuff to understand Spinelli, right?) and our letters can be very, very impressive. Please take the time to show some support for Spinelli/Bradford Anderson. Not all letters have to be this long or look anything like this, and all that matters is that you say what's in your heart and on your mind.
Dear Mr. Guza,
I have to thank you for the entire month of June. I got to see my favorite character, Spinelli, almost every day. The scene with Claudia and Spinelli on the docks together was sublime by the way.
Today, I would like to focus my letter around one specific aspect of Spinelli's life. His relationship with Maxie Jones. Their story has been so pure, steady, and magical. The chemistry between the actors screams old school supercouple. They are the results shows like GH wish they could get when casting actors/actresses for a couple. Spinelli and Maxie are proof that General Hospital has room to tell a BEAUTIFUL love story amidst all the other action packed drama.
Yes, I said LOVE STORY. While they are great as friends, I need to see that relationship taken to the next level. The story progression is organic and natural. Making those two a couple would be the best story of 2008, done deal.
While I love their wacky hijinks, Spinelli and Maxie's relationship represents something so much deeper to a fan like me. Spinelli...never wins. Maxie...always loses. It's poetic. There is a part in every single person's heart that knows that they need love but doubts anyone will ever want them (flaws and all). You cannot possibly know (or, perhaps you can?) how much it would mean to me for General Hospital to tell that story--of two extreme people finding true acceptance in another person and to actually find themselves not just LOVED but IN LOVE.
There isn't a formula someone could come up with that is more impressive and important. Impressive because a story as unique as Maxie and Spinelli's is sure to never be forgotten over years and years, as fans are forever going to be saying to one another "Remember those two? They were special". Important because it's an opportunity to tell the audience that no matter how you look, what mistakes you've made, how odd you are, or how much baggage you have---THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO WILL HAVE YOU, AND THEY WILL THINK YOU ARE PERFECT.
Now, isn't that a great legacy? "Carpe Diem", Mr. Guza, and let Spinelli and Maxie take that leap into the crazy/magic love story they are just begging to have. There wouldn't be a dry eye in the audience if these two souls found each other after feeling as though they never would.
My Sincerest Thanks,
great letter, lindsay!! from your pen to our TV sets! ;-)
thanks robin! one can hope, right?
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