Don't be sorry for something good.Jason gh 7-15-08
Did everyone over indulge in ice cream to make them feel better.
So Damian Spinelli had sex. We don't need to bring up the whole debate if this was his first time or not. (GH vs Night Shift) One thing is clear he never had a had an experance like he had with Maxie yesterday.
You know what my favorite part of the episode was? Watching Bradford transform Spinelli. He 'grew up' right in front of us. His interaction with Jason pre-overlook was amazing.
Though the belt rip comes in a close second.
Now where does that leave them? Maxie wants an un-do (not to be confused with Carly's re-do) Maxie you can't undo that. The poor girl wants more then anything to keep Damian Spinelli in her life. She fears if she goes that road with him she will lose him. She would much rather save her relationship and stay friends. You can un-do Maxie. I know its sad but Spixie will never be the same. They are different now. Like Spin said he is a changed man.
I honestly just want to hug them both. This is not going to be a smooth ride for ether of them...
Will the changes we saw in Spinelli stay even after the overlook discussion?
How dark of a place will Spinelli go in during his morning?
How long is it going to take Maxie realize that Spin LOVES her?
How long is is going to take Maxie to realize she feels the same?
link: My live blog post from yesterday (I added pictures)
Now I feel like the story is us waiting on Spinelli to tell Maxie to hold her tongue for two seconds so he can tell her he LOVES her.
Yesterday was awesome....that belt rip! Heeeee!
My poor heart ached for Spixie but it was CLASSIC soap drama. Talk about a roller coaster!
One of the greatest soap love scenes ever!!! I am holding on to this rollercoaster ride. I can't wait to see what happens next! Poor kids!
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