How brave and comforting he is here.
Robert Guza head writer is not been one of my favorite people when it comes to General Hospital. I completely disagree with many of the directions he has taken the show. His disregard of history (killing off Alan and Georgie for stupid reasons for example) and his understanding of what the viewers really like. I will say he had done one thing right in his tenure. Damian Spinelli; The Jackal. A remarkable character that was a the perfect storm of a quirky writing and a brilliant actor.He should have stopped were he was head on this feat. Instead they have made a faux copy of the Jackal. She may strangely mimic his mannerism and voice patterns. (Senta is don't a commendable job with the garage) she is NOT Damian Spinelli. He is not some cookie cutter formula you can copy and call it a day. Damian Spinelli would be one of the most annoying characters on the show save for one very important unduplicatable ingredient, Bradford Anderson.
Winnie- "I will have you, see I can be just like you. You will be mine" Jackal- "Umm I don't know about that.
To top the day with a big bitter rotten tomato we got treated with this:
To top the day with a big bitter rotten tomato we got treated with this:
Eww, What where the writers thinking? Were they thinking? Agent Leeds you barely know the Jackal stop acting like your leaving your beloved behind. Your an FBI agent. You should be stronger then THIS. eww. When you juxtapose this scene with Lucky's and Elizabeth's scene it makes it even more vile.
If Spinelli is one of Guza's greatest creations then what does it make Agent Winnie? I venture to say she is getting close to rivaling Logan.
If Spinelli is one of Guza's greatest creations then what does it make Agent Winnie? I venture to say she is getting close to rivaling Logan.
Glad to know you're finally seeing the evil of this situation. They caused me to actually get the heebies from watching his scenes. It's so, so creepy.
I'm hoping Winnie is psycho with how obsessive she is over Spinelli. So,so,so creepy.
I agree with you completely. The whole thing is just being handled really poorly. Her being a carbon copy really just lessens both her and Spinelli's characters. I think she's a psycho stalker and during sweeps its going to come out that she's been obsessed with Spin ever since she got in on the investigation. That's the only way I could handle her character because right now, she's just an albatross around the neck of my favorite GH-er Spinelli.
I block her out. She did her job, now its time...
She started out stalking him (her assignment), but she is still very obsessive and stalkerish.
"The Priestess" is most definitely stalkery. She has latched onto The Jackal like a barnacle and some of the looks that Spin was giving her today was a bit WTF. Like, he is getting a bit creeped out by her or at the very least is wondering at her behavior. She is too much, too soon. She is weird. (I am not speaking of Senta mind you - I am sure she is doing her best with the material given) I just think Guza is an idiot. Like, "lets xerox Spinelli's lines and have her regurgitate them." I just don't know what they are thinking..........
I don't completely agree with you like I usually do. :-)
Guza is not a smart guy. He ignores what the majority of fans want. He takes a good idea and reuses it ad nauseam. He kills off beloved characters for no good reason which angers fans and does nothing for the storyline. I think GH will be a better show when he's gone.
However, Winifred does not bother me. I mean, it IS very Guza to have thought up a female Spin...he probably thought it was brilliant when in fact it is so typical of his lack of imagination and originality...but I believe this will be good for Bradford as far as more air time, more fun scenes, more story. They can only take Spixie so far and as with all soap couple, it will end one day.
So I say, "Hello Winnie."
see Jess I can tell you I didn't mind Winnie at all till Wednesday episode where she is acting like Spineli is a god LOL not saying that he is not but I was uncomfortable with someone who does not know him to think that. Why can't she act like the professional woman like she is?
Okay, I'll admit that scene was awkward and out of character. It was probably Guza's idea.
my problem with Winnifred has nothing with her crush, but more to do with the cloning of Spin.
see its not that i mind her 'crush' though it seems completely over the top and very unreasonable. Its that she acts like Spinelli when there is no logistical reason for her to be Spinelli's clone.
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