on February 27 2007 I got this email from a concerned Bradford fan about his contract talks. We started a dialog not only did we become stronger fans of Bradford but we became friends.
Spikey has cancer. If you follow her on twitter @spinlj she has been updating a lot on there. She is just starting her treatment and I wanted to publicly call her out and express how I am concerned for her health and how much she means to me.
Many times when my own life had not allowed me to post to the blog she has stepped up. There would NOT be a Bradford Anderson Fan Blog with out her. There would be no Spinelli Live Journal with out her. Two of the major fan websites would not exist with out her influence.
She is going to beat this but she has to go through a bit of hell as she goes through treatment first. Can anyone that reads this give her positive thoughts, prayers and love her way.
Penny, you make me cry. I appreciate all the good thoughts. Thanks so much.
Was it contract talks? lol. Back then, I think I wondered if he was ever going to sign with the show, especially with the "Spin will die" rumors going around.
Yup it was a very brief email about something I had heard about contract talks lol I save almost all my emails. That's why gmail is so cool lol
As a Bradford Anderson/Spinelli fan, my love for him takes a backseat to very few people; Spikey is one of those people, & Penny is another. Reading Spikey's Spin LJ is as much a part of my daily life as brushing my teeth. Most Spinelli fans will never know or realize what a debt of gratitude we owe fans like Spikey, Penny, Jenna, and many others who tirelessly inspire this fanbase every single day...good days and bad. I've known for quite a while Spikey is fearless, & there is nothing she won't take on. My heart breaks for Spikey having to take on this health challenge, but I fully expect her to approach it with her own special brand of courageous determination. My thoughts & prayers are with her.
Prayers and ++++ thoughts for your speedy recovery.
Spikey, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I mean that sincerely. I don't have personal experience of having cancer, but I went through it with my mom. Positive energy DOES HELP!! Be strong and know we are all thinking about you!!!
Spikey, I'm SO SORRY to hear about your illness! THANK YOU SO MUCH for ALL you do!!! I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers!
Hi, this is JackalByte from LJ. I just wanted to offer my gratitude for all of the work you have done, and whatever encouragement I can. My band just played the ACS Relay for Life, and it was very inspiring seeing so many people who have dealt with cancer, and who have such a positive attitude and are determined to see it beaten. It really raised my awareness, and made me think about the fact that all of us will be touched in some way by cancer in our lives. You aren't alone, and I know there are many of us who are sending positive thoughts, prayers and energy your way!
Thank you guys for the great comments. Coming next Monday, I'm starting a long hard road. My doctor is confident (Or she's got a good poker face) and I'm taking her for her word.
thanks again..
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