One day in February 2007 I started this blog. As simply a place to post the amazing fan videos and to post updates on Bradford. I was in awe of his acting and really got me right before the metro court crisis.. A few days after it started.. JUST a few days. I got an email from a fellow fan. She like I was concerned that Bradford was still recurring and didn't have a contract yet. We would email back and forth and slowly we became more then just fellow fans we be friends.
I adore the woman most of you know as Spikey. She is smart, fiery, caring, honest and simply amazing. A few months ago I found out she had cancer. I was blessed like many of you that she decided to share some of her experiences on twitter.
Then right after she left to go the hospital i was like what can I do for someone that guards her privacy like the secret service protects the president. I recalled seeing the twibbons and thought that it would be nice for her to come out of the hospital an see some ribbons and know that we were (and are) pulling for her.
Now I have lost count the amount of money that been given and pledged to an animal shelter in Manchester NH in honor of this special girl.
Not only that this collective love in has shown me that our little twitter world is a tight little bunch .. thank you.
this is breathtaking..
Just when I think I can't be amazed anymore, that twibbon support number keeps going up...and my amazement grows & Spikey is very much deserves this love and support
That is AWESOME! how did you get all the pics together!? I just put up a blog about the movement as well.
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