Friday, May 9, 2008

Of Moose and Men

Recap: May 5th--May 6th

Our evening begins with Jason and Spinelli tracking down Ian Devlin for answers regarding Michael's shooting. Little do they know, there is a stowaway on board.

After giving Jason a million dollar smile, Spinelli actually gets to drive the Mob Mobile.

"Look mom! I'm driving with my eyes closed!"

He drives too slow for Stone Cold's tastes, looking out for baby moose and lizards on the road. Jason irritation at the grasshopper's cautionary driving is tested when Spinelli has to slam on the brakes as a moose gets in front of the SUV. As he does this, he flings Maxie out of her hiding spot in the back seat. She decided to stoaway for the night's adventure.

To say the least, Jason is not pleased. He drops her off at a bus stop. Jason then tells Spinelli to frisk Maxie for the keys she stole to get into the SUV. The Jackal falters a little. Turns out Maxie had the keys hidden in her shirt...Hmmm...Anyway, Jason wants to get a move on. Spinelli tells her that he cannot abandon Jason at that moment and stay with her at the bus stop because Stone Cold is out for revenge and very emotional, and since Jason has never left him in his hour of need Spinelli cannot do the same.

On the road, Spinelli confesses to Jason that he is actually in love with Maximista. Jason is surprised and asks "What about Lulu?". Spinelli explains that he loves the Original Blonde One as a dear friend but his heart no longer races for her. Maxie has him under her spell but he doubts she will ever look on him with affection. Jason warns Spinelli that he once knew a woman once like Maxie who had a way of destroying the things she loved. Spinelli seems genuinely aware of the risk involved with loving a girl like Maxie.

Back at the bus stop, Maxie has been taken hostage by Ian. She sends a text message to Spinelli for help. Jason and Spinelli arrive just as things are getting tense between the doctor and Maxie. Spinelli begs Ian not to hurt her. Ian confesses to shooting Michael but won't say who hired him. He is distracted long enough for Maxie free herself from him. Jason shoots Ian as Maxie runs into Spinelli's arms.

Afterwards, the police arrive and Maxie explains to Mac what happened, how Jason shot Ian, but then adds that Spinelli did most of the saving. Our Jackal couldn't be more pleased by her comments.

The Jackal: Our Hero


Anonymous said...

Why would Jason let Spin drive his car? Even though i love him he can't drive very good<>

spikey said...

Jason let's Spin drive because he can't resist Spin's pleading puppy dog eyes.