Saturday, May 28, 2011

YAY to Bradford working LOTS!

So if you took GH off your TIVO/DVR to record…Reset it now. If you are home during the day and have been watching something else instead…Fix that starting now. Several weeks ago vie his co-workers tweeting sounds like Bradford started to work lots. Sounds like he was filming with Kirsten, Kimberly, JT and Brianna (these scenes should be airing soon...sounds like there is a hostage with Lisa (I may be the only one but I like Lisa/Brianna has been rockin the crazy Lisa story), and Spinelli saving Matt and an injured Spinelli).

This week he filmed with Kelly, Steve, Kirsten, Maurice & Vanessa for sure. Filming lots with Kirsten? We also found out vie Kirsten that she did a photo shoot with Bradford. Does that mean a Spixie reunion is on the horizon? Together or not does sound like a story coming involving both of them (the photo shoot could be speaking volumes.) Who knows, I am just happy he is working more lately and with many different actors. And we should be seeing new adorable pictures soon. All good things in my book. I personally can't wait for more details to emerge.

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