Monday, February 26, 2007

Thoughts on Lulu & Spinelli

My thoughts on Lulu & SpinelliOk first thought.. ahhhhhhh They are so cute. Tell me they are not cute together.

I am conflicted over the Lulu & Spinelli paring.
1. Lulu may very well break my Spinelli's heart.
2. Is Lulu 'good enough' for Spinelli?

I don't know. I think Bradford Anderson & Julie Marie Berman have great one screen chemistry.

This is the ideal way I see this story line progressing. Lulu blows Spinelli off for a few months as she slowly realizes that Milo & Dillon are not for her.

grrr i don't know what i want.
(one must really question my state of mine when I get so involved in the relationships of fictional characters.)


Anonymous said...

I have read some spoilers, so I know this isn't going to be easy for Spin, but hopefully he and Lulu are popular enough with fans to be the "end game".

Penny said...

Well she better play nice with my Spinelli. Who knew that every guy a certain age would want Lulu.