Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stake Out with Maxie and the Jackal

Tell me how many squeals did you have through the whole episode?

check it out Maxie eating the bbq potato chips.
They both have the same purpose to find out who killed wise Georgie. We find out that our unofficial PI is now OFFICIAL (doesn't he need a business license now too?)

Ok now back to the story. Our mismatched duo are staking out Logan in hopes to get clues and confirmation that he is the T-M-K.

Maxie shows how she can think quickly on her feet (well she is sitting down though) Maxie saw patrolman and she....

Yes its dark but she kiss him LOL
I don't think Damian Spinelli will ever quite be the same again. I read someone say that he overloaded his circuits. His mind then starts to wonder.

I love it.. don't they both look GREAT.
This was a great day for dialog. The banter between Maxie and Spin was priceless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Spin is never the same...that was the best Spin banter all year...definitely in the top 5 Spin moments.