Monday, April 2, 2007

I refuse to be 'trained'.

Today was a glumly sad no Spinelli day. I did take note of the people in charge insistent attempts to try and force the idea of Logan and Lulu down our throats (GAG) I believe Guza has called it "training the audience"

Logan is so cookie cutter. How many times do we have to have the same old Bad Boy character. I personally have no thoughts (negative or positive) on the actor that plays Logan I just don't like Logan.

Spinelli is smart, warm & REAL. Do they really think by forcing this Lulu and Logan thing we will forget about Spinelli....?

I refuse to drink to drink that Koolaid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! logan needs to jump off the docks with dillon, Spilulu 4ever! :]