Saturday, July 14, 2007

looking for another contributor

I would like to have another contributor. I try to add them slowly and now seems to be a good time to add another since I don't feel 4 would be to much (there is already three of us) .

If your interested send me an email to and I can give you details and what i am offering.
Tell me a little about yourself and what you think you have different then is already being offered. (for instance a die hard g-spin fan would bring a whole different dynamic)


Rene' said...

Because one of her contributors has been slacking off on the job...sorry, Penny!! Life is getting in the way!! But I'm about to post!

Penny said...

hey hey it not just you.. I am busy too.. LOL I wrote a longer post mentioning you where being super mom and stuff but i cut that out :)