Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Emmy Round-Up

First I found out via twitter that Bradford didn't win the Emmy THIS year in the restroom at my work after just finishing my break. So I couldn't wait. LOL
Amy from the Scrubs Hub got bleacher seats at the red carpet. She posted on twitter lots of the video and pictures she was able to get. It was great because I felt like I was there at times. You can find a lot of her posts on the Scrubs Hub twitter http://twitter.com/thescrubshub

She snapped this great picture of Bradford being Bradford (you can see him down the rail.)

Lastly she got this video of him on the carpet.

Bradford presented an award with Kirsten Storms and Bindi.. Yes Bindi the Jungle Girl. Any moms of young kids have that song stuck in their heads now. "Bindi... Bindi the Jungle Girl...BINDI" I love Bindi. ok ok back to the presenting. LOL I had been waiting for someone to post clip and here it is.. So cute..

Oh one more thing. Spikey posted this cute little screen cap at the spinlj and its just too sweet.

1 comment:

Rene' said...

I loved that moment when Bradford was kissing his fiance's hand. AWW!! Look at Julie back there. She is so genuinely excited for him.

Side note...if that's her husband, he is SMOKIN! :)